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Software, Hardware for ID. Tracking, Access, Attendance, Meal Plans, Even Event Management Too.

Because Security Is More Important Than Ever Before, From Kindergarten to the University Campus.

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We Know Things On Campus Are Different Today

Security has been key issue for everyone with students and staff in a school today. AAMSCO has done its part to remain on the cutting edge of hardware and software solutions that address this area. Administrators throughout Alabama have benefited from the technology we provide in many ways. They keep track of who is late and why, where students have gone after they have arrived on campus or participated in an extra-curricular activity. Food lines at cafeterias have moved along much more efficiently. Parking and ticketing at campuses is a seamless task. 


And now, with the challenges brought on by a global pandemic, AAMSCO is right there in the vanguard of technology, ready to help you adjust your protocols and routines to address the new normal. 

PeopleTrack SM


Whether your school or organization is large or small, when people are on the go, you have to be on the go as well. Track staff, visitors and students as they move from one activity to the next both on and off the facility. 


PeopleTrack SM (Student Management) brings a higher level of functionality to tracking your students and personnel at school and can operate on your desktop PC or your mobile handheld. It tracks attendance and tardiness of students, and their use of school facilities such as the cafeteria, library, weight room, or afterschool activities. Whether in school or at sporting events, after-school activities and field trips, principals, hall monitors and security officers can keep attendance or school policy violations current from almost anywhere.


Maintaining security and safety in today’s school environment is becoming ever more challenging. Keeping track of who is late and why, and where students go after they arrive, is never easy. Combined with the unprecedented restrictions on extracurricular attendance, it's even more challenging to comply with state and CDC guidelines. 


SM is specially developed for the K–12 environment, letting you track student activities to give you the clearest picture yet of exactly what’s going on in your school. You’ll improve safety, security and student accountability, and have an easily accessible record for future use.


EPIC Track

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The EPIC Track™ providing effective tracking of people, places and things. Identifying these elements with an ID system provides a basic level of security but by adding the ability to track activity of those identified and analyze the data collected, an organization’s ID program becomes much more useful in terms of security and accountability. This more comprehensive ID program provides greater results through analysis of data collected and reported on. The flexibility to customize each tracking event makes this solution easily adaptable by any type of organization.


The EPIC Track™ Solution is used in conjunction with any ID badging system that can produce a barcode and preferably a photo ID card. EPIC Track™ allows users to apply a handheld or smart phone device by scanning the barcode from the ID card and manage that data using the EPIC software on the handheld. Once scanned, that barcode ID number is linked to activity such as logging in/out of an event, entry in/out of a location, or associate other people or items. Users may adjust lists, generate reports or check the status of an event at any time.


  • Easy, Fast Configuration

  • Access Anywhere - Web Based

  • Supports Android, Apple, Windows

  • Works On- and Off-line

  • Real-Time Status Checks

  • Dynamic Reports

  • Flexible Solution Allows Creative Freedom

  • Use Your Data with Data Connector


Total Campus Card System


TotalCard is a robust, modular campus card system that allows colleges and universities to easily identify, validate and track students and faculty members. Students use their ID cards for a variety of things both on and off campus including purchases, utilizing meal plans, attending events, accessing dorm rooms and other campus facilities, tracking attendance in class, and more.


TotalCard provides user-friendly account management, reporting and system administration. The system’s modular design allows campuses to implement features and applications one at a time, in phases or all at once, depending on specific campus needs. 


The TotalCard product was initially created as an affordable point-of-sale application for Mississippi State University back in 1989. Over the years, the product has evolved through real-life use in colleges to now offer applications that include:


  • Photo ID Production

  • Student Attendance

  • Bookstore Buy-back Management

  • Advanced Point-of-Sale

  • Meal Plan Management

  • Access Control (with Housing Management Interface)

  • Visitor Management

  • Electronic Time Management

  • Event Tracking

  • Privilege Management

  • Key Box Management

  • Mobile Student ID Validation

  • Financial Aid Pre-check

  • Inventory Management

  • Parking and Ticketing

  • API for 3rd party integration – Pharos, Papercut, Ratex, SwiftData

  • Financial Aid Disbursement (through Veita integration)

Check Out These Neat Demos

Two minutes on TotalCard by BadgePass.

Two minutes, 17 seconds on TotalCard Issuance and Activation.

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