Always ready, willing and able to assist when disaster strikes and time is of the essence.
Incident Command & Tracking Tools for All Emergency Management Requirements
It's More Than Just Accountability. It's Intelligent Accountability.
AAMSCO offers a complete line of incident command and tracking tools for all emergency management needs. Control access to disaster sites; track WHO is on scene, WHAT their credentials are, and WHEN they arrived and departed. Interact with outside agencies to share resources and information via the web. Create comprehensive reports outlining the details of command procedures, tasks and resources used.
Tag, Track & Report

AAMSCO is a provider of Salamander accountability solutions for first responders all over Arkansas. Salamander offers a complete line of products to Tag, Track, and Report. Disaster can strike at anytime, anywhere. When it does, emergency managers depend on their Salamander solutions for identification, accountability, and incident reports.
TAG: It all starts with identification, whether it is badging first responders well before an incident takes place; or badging volunteers and mutual aid using a temporary, incident specific badge. By identifying resources, both people and equipment, Salamander users are then able to track those resources throughout an incident or event.
TRACK: Now responders have the ability to manage incidents by tracking resources from the moment they check in, and every moment after. Salamander users know who is en-route, who is on scene, what they are doing, and where they are located. Whether it is with a PC, tablet, or smartphone, Salamander’s TRACK solutions are scalable for any incident size.
REPORT: Get real-time data both during an event as well as after once the dust has settled. Live, accurate, field-level data collected using the TRACK solutions is available immediately, so that Salamander users can run detailed reports with to-the-second accuracy of resource usage, personnel times, patient activity, and much more.
AAMSCO offers a complete line of incident command and tracking tools for all emergency management needs. Control access to disaster sites; track WHO is on scene, WHAT their credentials are, and WHEN they arrived and departed. Interact with outside agencies to share resources and information via the web. Create comprehensive reports outlining the details of command procedures, tasks and resources used.
It is more than just accountability, it’s Intelligent Accountability.
ID & Manage

Elliott Mobile solutions are complete identification and accountability solutions designed to produce secure, positive IDs, and effectively track and manage personnel and assets on- and off-site. With a flexible, easy to use software interface, durable turn-key hardware solutions, and user training; customers can work quickly and efficiently resulting in improved utilization and grater safety for personnel. Its extensive reports on personnel, assets, and activity allow this comprehensive solution to come full circle into a complete accountability solution offering.
Emergency Event Manager Solution for Tracking Personnel & Volunteers
The Emergency Event Manager Solution (EEMS) is a software program designed for first responders to automate the process of identifying and managing personnel and volunteers at emergency scenes quickly and securely. EEMS provides first responders with improved security, greater risk management, and more accountability.
EEMS is now available on a mobile app, allowing first responders to command an entire incident with their fingertips on a smartphone, tablet, or handheld device. They are now able to view personnel data, check event status, manage an incident, check personnel in/out, and even view on-site assets.
The Perfect Tool for Health Departments
The Elliott Clinic Manager Solution (ECMS) is a software solution designed to provide healthcare related emergency first responders the ability to enroll recipients, collect medical questionnaires and dispense medication during an emergency response when integrated with Elliott’s Emergency Event Manager and Asset Manager Mobile SolutionsTM. Health Departments large and small are able to track resources and medication from the warehouse to the Point of Distribution to the recipient using one complete accountability and identification solution.
Recipients are quickly enrolled with the simple swipe of a driver’s license and the population of all their information into the Elliott Clinic Manager software. From there, authorized personnel are able to manage the person’s information, issue medicine and supplies to the recipient and create a report on all the necessary information regarding the recipient and the aid provided to them and their family.